The Author of PE1IYR



Gender: Male

Call 1976: PD0IGE (D) A license with 6 channels and low power. In 1982 started with datacommunication. First I started with a Tandy Radioshack TRS-80. On the cassette output was a RC-network connected to level off to the microphone input of my transmitter. For receiveing I used the speaker output and connected this via a datastrecher to the cassette input of my TRS-80. A program called Linco did receive the program an made a file for further use. The data was send correct or not and any interruption from an other station was fatal during a 5 minutes one-way datatransfer. PE1GCB was the other station and data was travelling between our stations.

Call 1983: PE1IYR (C). A license with the 2M and all higher frequencies. Later the 50MHz band was added to the license. Some later I build a TNC-2. (a modem for Packet-Radio). After a year of experience I went Co_SysOp of the PI8GCB BBS. With some ups and down’s I was on Packet. The down’s where because of my school and later on the military conscript. A variety of programs where used during the years. First I used pacKet 5 and later version 6. The program did what I told the program to do. TPK1.7x was better. This software can select the group where you want mail from and automatically downloaded the mail. As of 1.81A I started a QSLSRV program. Programmed in Turbo-Pascal 3. This program was later compiled in Turbo-Pascal 7. The QSLSRV is based upon a file called QSL.TXT and made by Paul, ON6DP. Paul will release every 2 month a new version of this database. The database contains calls and addresses of HAM’s that have a call in another country then the home country. If you go on hollyday/vacation to some island far a way you often can ask for a special call sign. During the contact with that station you will be told that qsl must be via … Well that information is in this database. Buckmaster and QRZ are available on the Internet. This is the first and only automatic QSL-database on Packet. Every request is capped for later use. If an answer is not available the database will send you an answer if it become available in a later version of the database.


Y2K The year 2000 was near and my program was ready for it. TPK was ready also. However the FBB software of the BBS is not. And so the BBS was sending improper file-headers. I was ready for a Windows based packet program at this moment and I have tested a few of them. I needed to cooperate with my program and finally I found WinPack very open for programming and using. I also learned to work with Visual Basic in 2001. and now I'm busy with a Windows based software version of QSLSRV for Winpack. The old dos program is running  with Winpack but the new program must have more databses to handle.

This page is updated on: 15 mei 2004