Current busy with


Currently I’m busy with?

I do make some programs for my own use. But if you like one of them with the status public then send me an e-mail.

QSLSRV. A program that first was made with Borland Turbo Pascal. Now I’m busy to make the same program more flexible, with more databases and useful for other persons. The program interact only with Winpack 6.5 and further. If sufficient information is available I will make the program working with any other Packet program as long as that program will interact with other external software. In the future I will have the databases online for World wide TCPIP for Packet, DARC-DOK(QSL), DQB-NL(QSL), RSGB-IOTA, DOK-treff-frequenzen and many more.

Programming in: Busy
Status: Public

Dis80xx: A dis-assembler that will de-compile 80XX files to a labeled source listing. Most of them are made for DOS. Some are made to work with long file names, but do need a lot of command line parameters and/or do have a DOS look and feel. A dis-assembler will create normally a relative listing. This one will make a listing with labels. Optionaly it is possible to add remark statements to the source. Also optionaly it is possible to add a label file and/or a custommer header. This program is made for Windows as of 95/98/NT/2000. Not tested with ME and XP.

Programming in: Busy
Status: Commercial

PingIt: Every one does known what PING does. It is a command line program with less parameters and no memory at all. This program is a full working version. It will have an INI-file that hold some 3 groups IP addresses and a name. If you have a large company you will be able to quickly ping to an address without getting blue fingers. A range can be selected.

Programming in: Busy
Status: Public

D-Eprom A program that will read and write Condor and TMC range transceiver EPROMs for commercial purpose only. It is haevly protected and con be run on other computers accept where it is installed by the owner. Every use of this program without autorisation will fail. 

Programming in: Busy
Status: Commercial

updated: 30 jul 2004